Mobico Comodo, a technology products company, was founded in anticipation of the growing need throughout the urban world for a secure and convenient tool for managing productivity at workplace. We are passionate about technology and have worked upon several of them to fine-tune a platform that can host a multitude of products in workplace productivity and contactless access space.
Technology is changing the world we inhabit in an explosive variety of ways, at a pace hitherto unseen. In the rapidly urbanizing world, security for the businesses and organizations and privacy and convenience of access for the users of their services has emerged as a key concern. These needs will grow exponentially with the rapid urbanization on one hand and spread of technology on the other.
In truMe, we have developed a supremely secure platform on which a variety of products can be mounted to meet the workplace productivity needs of both the businesses/ organizations and the users in a targeted manner. truMe already has products like Attendance Management, Visitor Management, Meeting Room Management, Hot Desking, Access Control and such. In the post-Covid world, hybrid work environment is creating several new pain points for organizations and truMe is positioning itself well to keep bringing in new IT products to meet many of these needs.
“truMe becomes the platform of choice for organizations across the globe for workplace productivity management”
"To make the workplace a secure, productive and pleasant space, all over the world”
Enjoy a great user experience with truMe identity and access management system
A wide variety of Interfaces to choose from
a) QR Code/ Barcode
c) Finger Biometrics
d) Face Biometrics

Unlimited users/ all categories of users on same platform
Infinite number of users and transactions on one platform, across user categories and geographies

Central Visibility
Have real-time visibility on all access events in your organisation across the globe

Best-in-class Security for Data-in-transit and Data-at rest
a) End to End Encryption
b) https calls
c) Data on AWS cloud, behind firewall

Great Flexibility to write/ modify Access Rules real-time
Takes care of any amount of complexity in Access Rules, which can also be modified real time

Reports & Analytics
Slice and dice the data and customise reports as per your need
This is why we do what we do - Helping our customers succeed. One Platform, many identities - our versatile platform can quickly solve most of your security and identity challenges
truMe platform ensures a robust, secure and cost effective Identity and Access Management
The people who work with truMe share a common vision and values
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