Upgrade your office with Smart Visitor Management System
Smart Visitor Management System, We are well aware that office space experiences a lot of guests daily. Sometimes it becomes too hectic for the receptionist to engage with all of them at the same time and visitors have to wait for the desk to get cleared. Just give it a thought? Would you be able to remember the total number of visitors you had yesterday? I am sure you don’t know the answer offhand, or it is simply not possible to count them on your fingers.
To answer my last question, you would pull out your excel sheet data so you could give me the details of the entries made for visitors you had yesterday.
Let me ask you some pointed questions to mull over before we start discussing the implementation of a new Visitor Management System at your workplace.
- How many names were spelled incorrectly and how many of them were typed wrong?
- For how many entries were the login time (i.e. the time at which they arrived) found missing or illegible or modified?
- Were the sign-in and sign-out time recorded diligently or did many of them just have ditto marks as the above timing?
- Were there some people who forgot to sign out and they are still showing as present inside the office premises?
- Did you get the big picture of which employee met with which visitor?
Smart Visitor Management System, I am sure you can relate to each question asked above and agree that these mistakes make it difficult to evaluate or analyze data at the end of the day or week. Just imagine the pile of registers and paperwork that would get accumulated in the course of maintaining manual records of visitors. These manual methods are more likely to be error-prone, time-consuming, and usually inefficient. More importantly, imagine the potential risk of confidential information reaching the wrong people, due to easy access.
The earlier enumerated instances are simple yet real-life scenarios that pan out ever so often at most offices. In this digital era of cutting edge technology, you need to install an automated system that helps visitors check-in and out efficiently. The system is popularly known as the Visitor Management System (VMS).
What is it? How it helps a business in daily operations? And how to leverage one?
Below is the what and how of a VMS.
What is a Visitor Management System?
Visitor Management refers to the process of tracking each person who enters your office building. The visitor may be a customer, client, consultant, contractor, candidate, or a cousin of the CEO or any other employee. Anyone who is not your full-time employee is basically a visitor for your office premises. With a digital Visitor Management System, you can formally track your visitors real time as per your business security requirements, while ensuring the privacy and convenience of your visitor. Afterall, while you want to watch your own business’ interests, neither do you want to hurt theirs.
Benefits of an Automated Visitor Management System
Long lost are the days when traditional methods were used to track visitors experienced by a workplace in a day. A piece of paper was usually kept with a paper binder where they had to fill in their details. The staff then used to notify the employees that there is a visitor for them in the lobby. The sheets used to get filled in by the details and they were shredded when they were of no use. You have to pay someone to sit at the front desk so that they can attend a visitor or a delivery arrives.
Such methods don’t work anymore, and for obvious reasons. Businesses are looking for smarter solutions – something more accurate with tighter security. They surely don’t want to rely on pen and paper anymore. Neither do companies don’t want to look old-fashioned using old techniques, nor do they want their tracking system to be inadequate. They want to adopt easy to implement, convenient, modern technologies. An automated VMS provides the extra protection you need by identifying visitors quickly and accurately. Such systems are proving to be very beneficial in various aspects.
I have discussed them below for your reference:
- Enhances office productivity: A Visitor Management System was at first designed to enhance the workflow and to overcome 2 major challenges of a workplace. They are; the receptionist being stuck with too many visitors, and several interruptions at the reception area at the same time. In offices that don’t have a receptionist, interruptions cause a huge chaos and it is believed that after every interruption it takes almost 20 mins for an employee to regain concentration. That surely has a negative impact on employees’ work productivity. An automated VMS simplifies life for everyone. It streamlines processes and makes visitor registration quick and easy.
- Office Security: Office security is a key benefit provided. A visitor management system efficiently helps to resist challenges that are related to visitor privacy & security, emergency evacuation plans, information & data security, regulatory compliance, etc. The lobby of an office plays a vital role in maintaining your office security. It includes keeping important information secure. A Visitor Management System efficiently helps in doing so.
- Brand Image: It helps to create a great first impression of your brand. It may not be the primary reason for installing a VMS but it surely helps you get a good perceived brand image. We all know that the first impression is the last impression and it takes only few seconds to build one. Thus, you have much less time than you would probably think. An automated Visitor Management System implemented to store data at your reception will certainly set the right professional tone for a visitor, especially if you receive a lot of important clients at your office.
Final Thoughts
A digital Visitor Management System is the future for maintaining visitor records and it can more than a person can. A manual Visitor Management System is not fool-proof, and it is difficult and time-consuming to manage and effectively document things. Moreover, it doesn’t provide the adequate protection to your organization needs from unwanted visitors.
Automated visitor management software aids you to identify who is in your office at any given point in time. Additionally, it will empower your staff to monitor and analyze visitor patterns.
The automated VMS system is nowadays implemented in almost every office, and it easily gets along with other office management technologies. Before choosing one, do an in-depth SWOT analysis of the features, benefits offered vis-à-vis the costs incurred. Smart Visitor Management System, We are sure this is one Cost-Benefit analysis which will tell you how far more the pros outweigh the cons.