Conference Room Management: From Scheduling to Execution

Conference Room Management: From Scheduling to Execution

Conference Room Management: A conference room is a space dedicated to business meetings and conferences. Closed-off meeting areas play a crucial role in workplace functions. The rooms provide privacy, accommodate larger groups, and provide a sense of isolation in an otherwise busy office environment. By managing conference rooms effectively, employees are able to make the most of these spaces. In lieu of a hybrid work culture, conference room rentals are an excellent option since they are available on an as-needed basis. They’re a great alternative to traditional office space, especially for companies that don’t always need extra space.

Regardless of whether they are conference rooms/halls or conference room rentals, these vital spaces require proper oversight and management, like any other facet of facilities. If conference rooms are not managed properly, they might be unavailable or inappropriately used, causing serious disruptions to the workplace. Thankfully, conference room management isn’t complicated. A few simple practices, rules, and tips for meeting room management can go a long way in making things work. The availability of the right management software is vital for smooth and stable operations. Implementation of one reduces the amount of time your employees spend searching for a suitable meeting room. There is no need to run around different floors seeking free space or asking office managers to help. A conference room management system made finding a meeting spot effortless for team members.

Keep reading to learn how does conference room management works and how truMe helps to manage conference room management?

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How does Conference Room management works?

Here’s a look at what it takes to get conference room scheduling software up and execute in your workplace, so employees can start taking advantage of the many benefits it offers.

  1. Integrate with facility management software: For room booking, facilities management software is a must-have. Managing each room digitally allows for automation while also providing the necessary booking variables. Give each of your conference rooms a distinct name so that employees and visitors can quickly find their way to a meeting.
  2. Integrate with employee facing software: This could range from a company intranet portal to integration with a messaging app such as Slack. This is where employees receive confirmation or rebuttal after submitting a request for processing.
  3. Create a conference room booking policy and include it in your onboarding: To ensure that your conference hall facilities are used fairly and to their full potential by all team members, a policy that standardises how these collaborative spaces are reserved for meetings is necessary. To avoid confusion, communicate your booking process to new employees in order to ensure the continuity of conference room booking best practises.
  4. Integrating occupancy censor with conference room management: Individuals will be able to see in real-time whether a space is being used, which will help prevent “ghost” bookings if someone does not show up for their allotted slot. These IoT sensors, placed at the room entrance, can automatically update your booking software, ensuring that the data displayed is always up to date and colleagues can quickly book their preferred room when it becomes available.
  5. Communicate: It’s pointless to have automated conference room booking if no one uses it. Encourage employees to use time-saving booking processes whenever they need to book a room. Send out a memo outlining each booking medium, develop booking SOPs, and allow department heads to lead by example in using them.

How truMe helps to manage conference room management?

truMe empowers employees by providing secure, convenient access to meeting rooms and connecting them with the appropriate rooms and resources. You can use truMe meeting room software to secure and manage your meeting rooms from a single centralised platform. The same platform can also handle the need for larger Conference Room Access Management. Here are the features that distinguish truMe from the competition:

  1. Effective Space Booking: truMe provides orderly, uninterrupted and productive use of the meeting room spaces in an effective manner which helps in maintaining decorum during the working hours of the organization.
  2. Integrated Platforms: truMe provides option of booking meeting rooms on truMe directly or through existing email client – O 365/ Gmail.
  3. Real time Booking Status: truMe provides meeting room booking and usage status on a tablet right outside the meeting room. Authorized employees can also book the available slot on the tablet itself.
  4. Multiple Security Requirements: On need basis, the meeting room door can be controlled – only the person/s authorized for a particular time can open the door by scanning the QR displayed on tablet/ pasted on door. This prevents unnecessary ruckus inside the meeting room.
  5. Live Access: An admin has complete visibility on usage of the meeting rooms across office/ locations. Live updates keep the organization meetings as efficient as possible.
  6. Detailed Analytics: truMe provides data analytics and reports on need basis on different metrics as required by the authorized person.


Conference room management is critical to the smooth operation of the workplace. It contributes to ensuring that every team has access to space when needed and reduces unnecessary conflicts. truMe offers anything and everything to its clients at reasonable prices, making it accessible to both small and large businesses. This platform’s dependability and capabilities make it the best in the industry.

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1: How do I book a meeting room?

A meeting room can be booked on a Meeting Room management App or on your mail client. Platforms like truMe have elevated meeting room booking to a pleasant and productive experience. The platform provides multiple options for booking a meeting room – from the App, from the mail client and from the display unit outside the meeting room.


2: Which is the best meeting room scheduling software?

truMe is easily the best meeting room scheduling software in market. It not only allows smooth booking from multiple sources; it also allows for real-time display of meetings in progress and the schedule for the day. It provides several real-time reports to the admin, helping them analyze various parameters and improve usage.

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